High Fiber Content Daily Devotion

2006 Daily Art by Julie Zaccone Stiller

My Photo
Location: The Redwood Forest, California, United States

Making, creating, and searching. Art Quilts, Surface Design, Collage, Photography

Friday, July 28, 2006

Spiral Recycles 3

Hot Kitchen

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

52 Figments

52 Figments, a special request to write "You Are A Cancer Survivor" and send it in, they will be given to someone who needs them. I wrote from one cancer survivor to another. Courage.
Cheapie kid watercolors look so good online, weird, huh?

Thursday, July 13, 2006

52 Figments

52 Figments: What is your theme song?

52 Figments

52 Figments: How easy or difficult is it for you to RECEIVE?

52 Figments

52 Figments: What does it mean to you to be LOST?

52 Figments

52 Figments: Imagine you own your very own private island. What would your national flag look like?

Mary with Flowers


Shiny Head

Pop Mom


Block for the Goddess Brigid

Sisterhood of the Silver Branch

Sisterhood of the Silver Branch Logo quilt


Painted/Appliqued Banner/Flag for Mom

Dance Card