High Fiber Content Daily Devotion

2006 Daily Art by Julie Zaccone Stiller

My Photo
Location: The Redwood Forest, California, United States

Making, creating, and searching. Art Quilts, Surface Design, Collage, Photography

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

For 52 Figments: What is the title of the book you want to write? : "The New Paradise for FREE FAT Women"

Global Quilts

Global Quilts

Global Quilts

Global Quilts

Global Quilts

Global Quilts

Global Quilts

Global QUilts

Global QUilts

Global Quilts

Global QUilts

Global Quilts

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

52 Figments: If I could use only one word to describe myself: OPEN

Mom Triangle

Home Triangle

52 Figments: If you won the "Thrill of a Lifetime" prize what would it look like?

Triangle Mountain

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Oh and one more painted collaged tag

The WOrld NeEds a NeW FloWer!

52 Figments: The world needs a new flower! Describe it, but don't draw it....yet.
Click for readable size!

last 3 tags

3 more tags

3 tags

3 painted tags

3 painted tags

3 painted tags

Friday, May 05, 2006

52 Figments

Imagine your meals consisted only of flowers. What would be for dinner? [Taken from "Make Beliefs" by Bill Zimmerman]

52 Figments

If you could spend an afternoon with any three people (living or deceased) who would they be?

52 Figments

Imagine you are eight years old again, dreaming of your future self. What did you want to be?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

pom, bam, explosion

cross hatching chalice flowers

chalice flowers minus details